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Things Which Cheer Me Up When I Am Sad (& Might Cheer You Too).

* Imagining the sunshine above the clouds.

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* Music

* Being warmer than I am currently, cold is sad.

* Gratitude journalling.

* Being outside if it is not raining, of course, here it is currently really really raining, hence the sad for many of us!

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* Actually playing with paints even when I don’t feel like it.

* Forgetting the realism and believing in media magic again.

* Fairy lights.

* Hats – they change the mood.

* Dreaming of Paris.

* Translating – everything takes a back seat when you are translating.

* Poetry. Just poetry.

* Planning new things for date night.

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* Googling all the phrases I didn’t know the meaning of. Apparently “putting out” means something quite different to what I thought. I thought it was a chase kiss at the door at the end of a date. And subsequently re-assessing everything I’ve read that mentioned that.

* Prayer.

* Making up Healing Boxes.

* Yoga, get on the mat. Go on, I know you don’t feel like it, me neither, makes no difference. Head over.

* Hanging out with the Trail Blazers in our secret Facebook cafe.

* Beauty rituals.

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Cake Wrecks.

* Radical belief; I live here surrounded by evidence of miracles, why would I not believe?