• 5 Beautiful Things to Do, Because… You Can.

    I write my monthly post Beautiful Things To Do, Because…the world is filled with beautiful things and I want to share them with you. This site is my small corner of the internet and I want to fill it with good and helpful things to make your day, (however dark) a little brighter. Share your beautiful things with me on Twitter here. 1. Look at the stars. Because they are beautiful and you can. Get out of the city, raise your face to the sky when it’s free of clouds. See the moon grow and become lean again. Learn the legends behind them – who was Cassiopeia? A: a Queen who…

  • Summer Solstice Prosperity Party

    This is the domain of the longest day – the sun has reached it’s height and light bathes our worlds. It is the longest days and nights that hold the greatest magic. The veil between the worlds grows thin and the old Gods walk the earth again. The Oak Moon rules over this time, lending her magic to prosperity and security. The month of June was named Oak ‘Duir’ in the celtic calendar. Juno, casts her protection over this month. She, consort of Jupiter who was king of the trees and held the oak sacred. Take this time as an opportunity to cleanse yourself and release past misfortunes. The past…

  • How to Heal in your Sleep

    Healing while you sleep – it sounds too good to be true doesn’t it? Leaving aside the fact that we are always healing while we sleep. (Our body is repairing while we rest, nighttime is when our bodies take the opportunity to process, detox, repair, regulate hormones, and keep us functioning.) We can still truly increase our healing powers with sleep, and that is by using a technique often called dream incubation. Stay with me here. Dream incubation is a process of taking your question into your dreams and writing down your answer/insights/impressions upon waking and interpreting them. Just consider your question – for example, ‘How can I heal?’ or…