Summer Solstice Prosperity Party

summer solstice prosperity party key

This is the domain of the longest day – the sun has reached it’s height and light bathes our worlds.

It is the longest days and nights that hold the greatest magic. The veil between the worlds grows thin and the old Gods walk the earth again.

The Oak Moon rules over this time, lending her magic to prosperity and security.

The month of June was named Oak ‘Duir’ in the celtic calendar. Juno, casts her protection over this month. She, consort of Jupiter who was king of the trees and held the oak sacred.

Take this time as an opportunity to cleanse yourself and release past misfortunes.

The past does not predict the present nor the future.

Surround yourself with scents and sights which open up strength and new beginnings to you. Enjoy rosewood, cypress, geranium, bay and the clean new smell of oak leaves themselves.

I’m wearing a gown of green velvet and a crown of oak leaves, there are sacred fires and the scent of woodsmoke on the wind.

You may not be able to travel down the mountain to our party but we’d love for you to join us all the same.

Join us in celebrating the solstice, we invite you to participate by…..

* Pinning an oak leaf to your coat or dress today and making a positive wish for your future.

* Secure your home and your prosperity energetically by sending me your wish for the coming months and I will add it to our live ritual here. Fill in the form here with your wish

* Enjoy my Solstice Special Offer and order a key or candle charm.

Blessed Hearth and Home Charm

antique key

This charm is made from a reclaimed key which is then cleansed and filled with blessings and strength for your home.

A protective charm, it draws good energy to you and keeps your house safe and loved.

This is a old tradition using a vintage house key and the power of the oak tree’s strength.

I will craft a blessed key tailored to you and post it. You can keep it on your keyring or in your house to enjoy the magic and blessings that emanate.

Key Charm and postage $59/£32

Email grace AT to purchase.

Limited number available (I only have so many keys).

Crafted and Charged Prosperity Candle

magic and candles, bowls of herbs

If you want some magic on your side to increase your prosperity, now is the perfect time to begin.

I will empower, anoint and bless the candle and burn it in a sacred space on your behalf. Photographs and reports will be sent to you by email.

The summer solstice adds extra power to all spells and I would love to be part of adding some magic to your world.

Candles are by application only and cost $69 at our special solstice discount.

Email grace AT for details.

All Solstice candle orders must be received by 12 midnight Friday 21st June to take advantage of the solstice magic.

Beautiful things to do because…. it’s the summer solstice!

I write Beautiful Things To Do, Because…the world is filled with beautiful things and I want to share them with you. This site is my small corner of the internet and I want to fill it with good and helpful things to make your day, (however dark) a little brighter. Share your beautiful things with me on Twitter here.

Photo Credit: photo 1: Violet Beatrice Baudelaire via Compfight cc