• Allow Me To Introduce: Aroga Yoga [New Sponsor]

    Aroga Yoga: online yoga and wellness for chronic illness, is our latest sponsor. The opinions and words used here are, as always, my own. Why Accessible Yoga Matters I believe that yoga can be a catalyst for liberation. I believe it can help us find our way back to our bodies. I believe your daily practice can be what carries you through the hardest times. I believe that yoga isn’t just handstands and flat tummies. Most people think that yoga is for size 6 bodies that can jump and move but really, yoga is accessible even if you are bed bound. That’s why I’m so glad to find Kayla‘s work, finally,…

  • Sacred Stories: Feast of Mary Magdalene & Moving into Trust

    Image Credit: Tanya e Torres Sacred Stories Series: seasonal psycho-spiritual checkpoints to share our history & remind us to pause. Today is the feast day of Mary Magdalene, traditionally, this is the time of year that people celebrated everything from redemption and devotion to the Divine Feminine. She’s been ascribed to the archetype of the sacred prostitute and named Apostle to the Apostles. Whether you are Christian, pagan, agnostic or atheist, if you live in the western world, you live in a society shaped by and saturated in these sacred stories. [Tweet “Sacred stories are all around us, in our dreams, woven into our most beloved tales.”]

  • Trailblazer Interview: Christy Tending & REAL Self Care

    Christy Tennery-Spalding is an activist, yoga teacher and self-care instigator. Her classes also draw on yoga philosophy; Buddhist teaching and meditations; and some practices from Taoism. Her wish is for a healthier, more just world for all of us to live in. And her deepest longing is for all of us to be free together.

  • Finding Focus: Insights for Exploring our Divinity

    “…I didn’t have time to pray, I had to make use of every spare moment for the seemingly endless array of things on my ‘to-do’ list… When I had no choice, when those little structures that we erect to keep ourselves going started cracking, I did stop. And in the stillness, I realised anew that comfort, renewal, and deep peace can always be found in the present moment if we allow ourselves even a few minutes to rest with our Source. No matter what the circumstances of our lives are, we can place ourselves in the presence of the Divine, the moment we decide to be still, to breathe, to…

  • Meet Our New Sponsor: Christy Tending Healing Arts

    Christy Tending Healing Arts, who makes self-care and sacred ritual for world changers, is our latest sponsor. The opinions and words used here are, as always, my own. P.S Christy has a lovely gift for you, read on for details. You know that feeling when you meet someone and a part of you deep down inside whispers, “I am so deeply grateful that you are on the planet, and even better, that I get to be on it with you”? That’s the prayer my heart made when I came across Christy’s work. That’s the feeling I get when I read her writing, and learn from her offerings. And that’s why…