• Trailblazer Interview: Surviving Bad Days and Being a Chronic Babe

    Jenni Prokopy is the amazing founder behind http://www.chronicbabe.com/ and the Chronic Babe Forum which is now 2000 members strong. She’s currently raising money on Kickstarter to publish Chronic Babe 101 a guidebook for women with illness. She’s a true wellness Trail Blazer and in this Trail Blazers’ interview we talk about: Dealing with bad days. Working as a disabled entrepreneurs. Writing a ground-breaking book. Launching a Kickstarter that’s going viral. Listen to the interview now and check out Jenni’s fantastic KickStarter project – everyone who donates now gets a copy of her fantastic book – and there’s just 3 days left! Get your copy of Chronic Babe 101 now!

  • Trailblazer Interview: Claudia Olivie & Altering Your Morning Routines for Life

    How do you begin your day? And how does that change your day and your life? Claudia Olivie is a Speaker. Certified Holistic Health Practitioner + Stress Management Mentor. She believes that we’re most fulfilled when we’re showing up as the best version of ourselves every day. And Claudia has a radical message that will alter your morning routines – for life! We talk healing, auto immune illness and embracing wellness from the moment you open your eyes. Check out our interview below: And visit Claudia at: http://claudiaolivie.com/ Image courtesy of Jeffrey Deng.

  • Trailblazer Interview: Sally Hope, Wildheart, Practicing Entrepreneurship & Soul Exploration

    How do you combine self-love and seeking? Entrepreneurship and soul-exploration? Success and breaking all the rules? Sally Hope of The Wildheart Revolution shares how in the latest Trail Blazer’s Interview. Sally Hope is a renegade, life coach, entrepreneur angel and the instagatrix behind The Wildheart Revolution. She loves creativity, Joan Jett and motorcycle boots. Sally’s a true Trail Blazer and you can read more about her amazing, world changing work at http://sallyhope.com/ Check out the interview with her here: Sally Hope, Wildheart Renegade Interview. Listen in and enjoy! I wish you a wild heart and happy Trail blazing, xxxx Image courtesy of Sally Hope

  • Trailblazer Interview: Christina Rasmussen & Falling Away Then Finding a Way

    To know illness is, unquestionably, to know loss. It’s not easy. It hurts. And yet… I lost a future (but I gained a new path). I lost friends (and found a Trailblazing sisterhood). I lost possibilities (then created new ones). It might look like things falling away but it can feel so much more visceral than that – like the people, dreams and self-images have been wrenched, painfully from us. Being forced into a new ‘sick chick’ identity can seem an all encompassing, dangerous trap with no perceived way out. But there are ways. And people who can help. Christina Rasmussen is one of them. The founder of Second Firsts, a global…

  • Trailblazer Interview: Aviva Gold – Creativity, Healing & Art Medicine

    Grace: Hi. This is Grace Quantock from gracequantock.com and we’re here with another Trailblazer Interview. Today we are speaking to the amazing Aviva Gold. Aviva, hello, thank you for joining us. Aviva: Hello. It’s a pleasure to be here. Grace: Thank you. Aviva has been an art therapist, a clinical social worker, psychotherapist and an artist. For the past thirty-five years and today, she has grown into an art medicine woman. She has taught her transformative Painting from the Source Method Worldwide and major workshop centres such as Omiga, Findhorn, and has taken the painting from the source teachings all across the world. She is currently creating a source retreat…