• Keeping Cool When The Weather’s Hot

      It’s that time of year – summer! And, if you’re like me, the warm, dry weather is your perfect cup of tea. That said, staying healthy and cool during those long, sunny days is a challenge. The seasonal heat can be a huge energy drain, and exacerbate aches, pains and fatigue. How to keep cool has been a hot topic lately in our Trail Blazers’ café, with lots of great insights and suggestions (care to join us? Head on over here). You can also take some ideas from my tried and true tips: 10 Tips to Keep Cool When It’s Hot 1. Plan to do your most strenuous activities…

  • Embracing Choice To Evoke Change: Breaking Old Habits With A Simple Approach

    You know those old habits you can’t break? The patterns you go around and around in? We’re going to look at those in a new way today. Today, you jump off that merry-go-round, and into something better: Real, actionable choice. I know how frustrating it is when every shift you make seems to fail. When it’s one step forward, two steps back, when everyone around you seems to be surging ahead on their paths, and you just aren’t privy to the secret (though it “may be yours for $10,000 in 3 easy payments” according to that always-present infomercial!) The real secret? It’s YOU. It has always been. Cue self-awareness! This…

  • EmBodying Freedom With Chronic Illness

    I have stood before a crowd and spoken my story into each waiting, listening heart. I have lain on my belly, on a sun warmed blanket, playing scrabble in an ancient woodland, sunlight dappling my face….with blockaded diggers roaring just ahead. I’ve been the headline story on the 10 o’clock news. I’ve been stood up, forced down and vilified and sanctified. I’ve been held down, tied up and trapped – in a tiny cell, and within my own body. Now, I’m fighting to free myself. When I first began this journey, I was just 18. Sunburned, laughing, carefree…and then, suddenly, my body stopped working as it always had. Everything fell…

  • Get Connected! With the World At Large…and Our “Secret” Vlog

    Have you seen my Wellness Provocateur Vlog? If not, what are you waiting for? Check it out. (You’ll be glad you did!) But I’ve got a secret. Vlog, that is. And it hasn’t been public…until now. It’s the L & B WALK VLOG! You see, Linus and Bertie go for a walk every day, and although we love our wheelchair ride adventures, I can’t always go with them. Not wanting me to miss out on this very special time, Linus created the L & B Walk Vlogs to share the joy. And there is so much joy to be had out and about with my husband and pup! Seeing the…

  • A Hundred Thousand Dreams

    This Earth, all its birdsong, orchids, teacups, and toffee is already a living paradise. Perhaps we incarnate to experience sheer joy. For ourselves and for the Divine. After all, God/dess cannot run through a field, play with a puppy, paddle in the sea, enjoy a foot rub, savour freshly picked broad beans or make love. But we can. And through us, God/dess feels the delight. We need to feel joy so the Divine can experience these treasures. The world is meant to be beautiful. It is beautiful. In the Celtic traditions the world has good and bad equally alike; where curses are blessings and the bitter pain gives life its piquant sweetness. I cannot…