• EmBodying Freedom With Chronic Illness

    I have stood before a crowd and spoken my story into each waiting, listening heart. I have lain on my belly, on a sun warmed blanket, playing scrabble in an ancient woodland, sunlight dappling my face….with blockaded diggers roaring just ahead. I’ve been the headline story on the 10 o’clock news. I’ve been stood up, forced down and vilified and sanctified. I’ve been held down, tied up and trapped – in a tiny cell, and within my own body. Now, I’m fighting to free myself. When I first began this journey, I was just 18. Sunburned, laughing, carefree…and then, suddenly, my body stopped working as it always had. Everything fell…

  • Trailblazer Interview: Sue Ross, Strokes & Achieving Results No Matter Your Circumstances

    Sue Ross, the founder of Lifegeta, is a pretty fabulous woman. Sue is a fellow UnLtd Award Winner and is changing the lives of people struggling with an acquired disability every day. She won the National Life After Stroke Award for Courage from The Stroke Association and speaks at the UK Stroke Assembly and other conferences.  In this Trailblazer Interview we talk about: – Sue’s experience with acquired disability via a stroke – Working with your emotions during challenging times – Why a jumper can be your top tool for joy!