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Hello, dear one

I’m Grace, I live in Wales and I’m a counsellor, writer, coach, wellness provocateur, and healing trailblazer.

I want to live in a world where we are loved, accepted, and supported, and when illness, disability, difference, trauma or grief throw life off track, we can blaze a trail to a truer self.

Living with pain, illness or life crisis? I made this site for you.

Illness has been called “another country”, and it’s not only illness we get lost in, but pain, accident, trauma, or grief.

They are our own personal wilderness, and you are finding a way through the wilderness you are the first to do it in your life, the only one who can, but you don’t have to do it alone.

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Looking for solidarity and support? Get free monthly e-letters in your inbox, packed with love and resources. Sign up for Postcards From The Margins today.

"The transformational experience that Grace offers as an alternative to thrashing about in the weeds of 'no cure' and 'multiple chronic illnesses' is like nothing I've experienced before.

Her insight, support, and invaluable perspective on life with illness - and the healing journey that accompanies it - reminds me not only of her extraordinary capability for transformation and courage, but of my own as well."

-Esme Weijun Wang, New York Times bestselling author of The Collected Schizophrenias |

  • Influencing Inclusion text on blue background with graphic of the podcast with blue and purple paint across it.

    Electric Inclusivity Podcast: Exploring Inclusion & Sustainability

    A podcast micro-series interviewing people who hold cultural, financial and political capital in the field of digital placemaking, facilitating conversations that explore readiness for inclusion and develop inclusivity appetite in the interview subjects and offer insight and instigation change making listeners. I spent a year researching how to influence appetite and aptitude for inclusion in digital placemaking and digital transformation. I’m sharing the findings from my research in this special podcast series and in an essay on Bristol + Bath Creative R +D online platform. Check out the podcast below and Bristol + Bath Creative R +D for my research findings and those of the fantastic fellows I’ve been honoured…

  • Exploring Empowering News Engagement

    Exploring Empowering News Engagement: Clwstwr Cohort 2020

    In good news, I’m delighted to share I’m part of @ClwstwrCreu #ClwstwrCohort 2020 doing research and design into titrating news for empowered engagement. My project, Trauma Toggle (working title), will allow users to titrate language and triggering material in their media consumption. With climate breakdown, Covid, political upheaval worsening mental health, citizens are losing faith in our government to handle the crises. Trauma Toggle aims to increase citizen engagement, reducing news avoidance and vulnerability to predatory misinformation.  I am combining real world clinical experience as a psychotherapeutic counsellor and co-creating with journalists working in the field, marginalised folx struggling with news intake and technological developers to create something that’s trauma informed,…

  • The Art Life graphic with photograph of Grace in her wheelchair

    Making Friends In Books

    I have many things to thank Xandra Robinson-Burns for:  She introduced me to Passion Planners, which are the love of my life. I got to be the Healer on her online Hogwarts-esque course (pre-JKR transphobia and racism coming to light). While my feelings to the franchise have shifted, I still very much enjoyed working with Xandra and her students. The gorgeous micro-essays in her Heroine Training Newsletter are literally one of the only things I enjoy reading on the internet. But I am also utterly grateful for the delicious conversation we got to have on her The Art Life Podcast.  You can check it out here.  In speaking to Xandra,…

  • How to write about painful emotions or memories in a safe and effective way text over black white picture person writing. Over gold hexagon and below

    How to write about painful emotions or memories in a safe and effective way

    Hi, I’m Grace, a psychotherapeutic counsellor and writer. Writing can feel incredibly therapeutic. Often we get a feeling of catharsis when we write freely. Mostly we have a craving to be heard, be witnessed, to re-write the narrative, to find some control and power in painful times.  But because it’s so powerful, I believe we need to approach it safely.  Many people are exploring creative writing for mental health and I’m sharing here how to do that safely. I’ve created this video to teach about approaching the initial process of writing – that first impulse – in a trauma-informed way that’s artistically engaged. In this video, you’ll learn: – The…

  • Love or something like it

    Love or Something Like It: Exploring Where Ableism & Racism Erase Sexuality

    I had just turned 17 when I saw Linus standing across the road from me. It was an astonishing moment, like recognising someone I’d never met; I’d never seen anyone I considered so handsome. We were both in the city to meet mutual friends, and though we barely spoke to each other that day, our friends started plotting to get us together. This was somewhat daunting. I’d never had a partner before – I’d never really dated. I liked libraries and wasn’t too keen on humans. I’m neurodiverse as well as physically disabled and found people much less interesting (and more difficult to understand) than books. My friends were persistent,…