• Newsletter

    Another Way is Possible

    Maybe you don’t have an illness, or maybe you know just what I am talking about, but I am here to tell you that another way is possible.    This is an urgent, red hot SOS direct to your hopeful heart – it doesn’t have to be like this, I repeat; another way is possible.    When we began my Healing Journey, we began with very little hope. We believed the doctors when they said no cure meant no change. But it wasn’t the case. We decided to try to create the best possible environment for wellness. To give my body a chance to heal. Take away everything which we…

  • Sky

    Pitch Perfect, Sylvia Plath & Why They Matter to You

    “There is a charge for the eyeing of my scars, there is a charge for the hearing of my heart it really goes. There is a charge, a very large charge, for a word, or a touch, or a piece of my hair or my clothes”  – Sylvia Plath. I began writing again when I was 20, I’d stopped in my teens. You see, I bumped into a friend and in my ebullient, elaborate way was clutching a copy of Ariel and swooning over Lady Lazarus. It meant so much to me you see. Do you recall the moment when you realised someone else knew exactly, but exactly what you…

  • An Explanation of Brevity

    I know I am verbose. I think it is as a result of reading too many 1930s novels, or an early education on the stage (all that Shakespeare, you know). Or perhaps it is just how I am made. However, as to why you are here. Did you email me and get a brief reply? Much more concise than expected? I know. There is a reason for that, and don’t worry, it’s not that I don’t care about you, or love you, or want to burn up the phone lines talking to you for hours. I most probably do. Want just the essentials? Brief replies let me stay well and…

  • Trailblazer Interview: Aviva Gold – Creativity, Healing & Art Medicine

    Grace: Hi. This is Grace Quantock from gracequantock.com and we’re here with another Trailblazer Interview. Today we are speaking to the amazing Aviva Gold. Aviva, hello, thank you for joining us. Aviva: Hello. It’s a pleasure to be here. Grace: Thank you. Aviva has been an art therapist, a clinical social worker, psychotherapist and an artist. For the past thirty-five years and today, she has grown into an art medicine woman. She has taught her transformative Painting from the Source Method Worldwide and major workshop centres such as Omiga, Findhorn, and has taken the painting from the source teachings all across the world. She is currently creating a source retreat…

  • TurningTrailBlazerSmall

    Trail Blazers’ Conference October: Practical Wellness & Daily Rituals [TLC Fundraiser]

    The seasons are changing, we are going through an equinox cleanse, the new year draws near and 2012 is sweeping into winter. Underpinning our practice, carving out and protecting space for wellness, casting a vote for your healing rights – it’s time. Maybe you are new to wellness and don’t have one little clue where to begin, you are reaching for a roadmap, wishing for a handbook and we can give you that here. It could be that you are a wellness veteran and you have done it all and the wheatgrass. Yet if you look at your day to day life you can’t remember the last time you moved your…