Stepping on Stage to Save Your Life: Behind the Scenes on my Speaking Path

stepping on stage to save your life behind the scenes on my speaking path white text on black and white image of grace quantock speaking on stage

I have survived some things which I would not wish upon anyone. I didn’t invite them, didn’t expect them and didn’t want them but I did learn from them. I may carry scars but I carry hard-won wisdom too.

If you are reading this, I know you have wisdom in you too, you may not feel it right now, but it’s there. I appreciate you and am glad you are in the world.

Some of us are aware that we have survived or experienced something extraordinary and we want to share that with the world.

(One would think that’s half the struggle; recognising your message, your mission and wanting to act on it.)

But in my experience, it’s only the beginning…

Fairy Wings and Bone Scans

I have a story, the story of surviving, of liberation, of loss, renewal and body glitter.

My story in brief: When I was 22, the doctors thought I may have extensive sarcoma, as my bones were so very, very thin. While we waited for the test results, I faced the possibility of living with and healing an even more life-threatening illness than the chronic illnesses I had already. In those moments, I made a choice, I put pink fairy wings on my wheelchair and decided that if I didn’t have to fight for my survival, I would stop being scared and start living my dreams.

My dreams were:

To write, film and share my healing journey story.

To set up Healing Boxes as an actual, real, live charitable business.

To sleep in the woods, under the stars.

To swim in the sea.

To wear more earrings.

I have been blessed to do every one of those things, and to share my journey with you too.

I have been blessed to heal in community, together…

Together we stop seeing ourselves as broken, less than or whatever else society and our internalised critics tell us and instead know that the disabilities can be the footnotes, but WE are the adventure stories.

Together we live onwards when pain and illness, grief and trauma, accident and loss arrive in our lives and know we can blaze our own trail and carve a life that fits us, now.

Together we value ourselves and our life experience, whether that comes with credentials, accolades or not and we claim it, recognise it’s power and share it as the powerful resource it is.

My Experiences into Mindful Missions

I wanted to share my wisdom, my message with the world, to use the pain I’d experienced to mean that fewer people have to go through the loneliness, misunderstanding and fear I did. To help make meaning out of my suffering and bring forth the gold in the wound.

Having a story, an experience to share but not knowing how to get it out there, in this world, in business, online is a great difficulty. How many of us want to share, but don’t know how? Read on for my solution.


Stepping on Stage to Save Yourself

I stepped on stage the first time because I knew that I wasn’t going to risk dying with my stories still inside me.

I stepped on stage because I deeply believe that we don’t need to be perfect, or have it all worked out to be able to make a difference.

I stepped on stage because I have been blessed by all the courageous, trailblazing women who have lived before me, who were probably scared, confused and not-yet-ready but stepped forward anyway because the world needed their words.

And because we all need to share them.

Readying Yourself

I believe in you and your message. You are unique, beautiful and the world needs you.

Times have been challenging, as many of us have experienced. To transform the paradigm it needs all of us.

We don’t need more shiny pseudo-perfect people, we don’t need more pressured productivity robots, we need more real, messy, human, genuine people like you.

Let’s get you centre stage…


The Teacher Appears

Finding KC Baker and learning how working with my voice changed everything: it clarified my message, found my power, let me know what to share and gave me to confidence and tools to share it. Today I’m a much-sought speaker.

But it’s not just about me, it’s about you and your voice, it’s about liberating and including all of us, and that’s what KC’s work is about.

If sharing your voice on stage and in the world is something you are struggling with, check out her free video training. It’s free (so awesome!) and you’ll learn how to:

– Speak up authentically and powerfully for what you believe in.

– Get clear on your message & have it spread like wildfire.

– Transform any fear or doubt about speaking publicly into total freedom.

– Embody the three most important feminine practices for being naturally confident & charismatic.

The link to watch KC’s free speaking training is here. If you have a friend you know would rock the stage, whose message you KNOW the world needs to hear, please share this with her too.

Look out for my interview with KC later this week when we dive into the how-tos and top tips for claiming and sharing your voice. 

What’s the story beating in your soul longing to be shared? 

P.S You might like my speaking page, building resilience in business, 7 steps to your business come back and building your life without being in work/business.