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10 days of audio coaching sessions to prep you for challenging medical, work or life appointments. Plus my monthly love and wellness letters Postcards From The Margins

Hello, dear one

I’m Grace, I live in Wales and I’m a counsellor, writer, coach, wellness provocateur, and healing trailblazer.

I want to live in a world where we are loved, accepted, and supported, and when illness, disability, difference, trauma or grief throw life off track, we can blaze a trail to a truer self.

Living with pain, illness or life crisis? I made this site for you.

Illness has been called “another country”, and it’s not only illness we get lost in, but pain, accident, trauma, or grief.

They are our own personal wilderness, and you are finding a way through the wilderness you are the first to do it in your life, the only one who can, but you don’t have to do it alone.

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Looking for solidarity and support? Get free monthly e-letters in your inbox, packed with love and resources. Sign up for Postcards From The Margins today.

"The transformational experience that Grace offers as an alternative to thrashing about in the weeds of 'no cure' and 'multiple chronic illnesses' is like nothing I've experienced before.

Her insight, support, and invaluable perspective on life with illness - and the healing journey that accompanies it - reminds me not only of her extraordinary capability for transformation and courage, but of my own as well."

-Esme Weijun Wang, New York Times bestselling author of The Collected Schizophrenias |

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    Free Workshops on Sustainable Creativity and Career

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    The Benefits of Bad Weather: A Winter Love List Challenge

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