Gratitude & Grace List: Hygge Edition

gratitude and grace list: hygge edition

Inspired by my dear friend Gala Darling, I’m taking my love lists out of my (midnight blue, star-spangled) journal and sharing them with you.

It’s been so misty here. I’ve been enjoying our woodburning fire, essay writing for college and puppy cwtching time. I am truly grateful for every beautiful day and for all the safety and support I have in this time and place.

Here are some more things I’m grateful for…

Little Things I Love:

* Crunchy leaves under my wheelchair wheels.

* Finding two marvellously iridescent feathers and trying to imagine what bird they could be from (what birds have rainbow feathers?).

* My peace lilies blossoming.

* Switching from a smartphone to a retro phone.

* Getting a pencil torch (metallic scarlet) to replace my smartphone torch and playing with it ALL the time ‘Do you need a torch? I HAVE ONE HERE!’ <-- me, constantly. * Watching the dogs be amused/bemused by pumpkins. * Drinking tea from a beautiful handmade teapot. * Making up gorgeous and delightful ethical self-care subscription boxes

* Listening to radio programs.

* Drinking goji berry and rosehip tea.

* Getting ready for winter – check out my winter wellness gratitude list here

* Planning my 2018 with Leonie Dawson’s amazing planners

* Reading period mystery novels.

* Planning the garden for next spring.

* Getting lovely letters about my new book on living well when house bound and bed bound. Check out Beyond the Boundaries: Finding Freedom and Fulfilment Within Four Walls. Self-Care Edition here

What are you grateful for? Let me know in the comments!

P.S Want more gratitude prompts and opportunities? Check out all my gratitude and grace lists here.