• Rising Festive Pressure? Antidotes & Alternatives

    Festive times can be full of joy but also full of challenges. I can’t speak to the larger issue behind that here as the time for prevention is not, I believe, during the stressful time. This is a time for action, for an alternative option. I have a suggestion – Let’s opt out as much as possible. Want to join me? Here’s my plan: No Present Pressures The fact is, even if I were to get lots of things this season, I can only play with one thing at one time. I can only read one book, listen to one piece of music, enjoy one space at a time. So maybe…

  • Self-Care Sunday: Sympathetic Joy in a Time of Comparison Traps

    [Self-Care Sunday Series: wellness experts worldwide are sharing their self-care expertise, practices, routines and personal stories.Today’s guest post is by self-care revolutionary Christy Tennery-Spalding] This piece is a continuation of a series on the Brahma Viharas, the 4 Heavenly Abodes, and how they can support us in finding greater joy and freedom during and through our meditation practice. Meditation is not something we only do on our cushion — nor is it a stodgy or stoic practice. When we breathe life into it, our meditation practice can permeate our everyday lives, offering us blessings and lessons around every corner. My best practice doesn’t happen on my cushion. It happens in my…

  • Dear Grace Q & A: How do I cope when my world (& social media feed) is filled with violence?

    Dear Grace Q & A: How do I cope when my world (& social media feed) is filled with violence? My dear, I really hear you, it’s so tough. The news from Aleppo is chilling and desperate, the challenge of Trump and the fear of his premiership is present and real and there are attacks, tragedies and losses happening – reported and unreported – all over our world. N.B: I’m aware this is a question about global violence issues, if your personal world is violent, please contact the police and your nearest crisis centre to help you. Please be safe.  It hurts, I get that. It hurts so much. It…

  • Gratitude & Grace List: Winter Wellness Edition

    Inspired by my dear friend Gala Darling, I’m taking my love lists out of my (gold, sparkly) journal and sharing them with you. It’s been so frosty here. I’ve been enjoying our woodburning fire, curling up inside and hibernation time. I am truly grateful for every beautiful day. Here are some more things I’m grateful for:

  • Trailblazer Interview: Mara Glatzel, The Illusion of Rest & Finding Restoration

    Mara Glatzel is an intuitive guide and energy healer. She is also a creative leader, a wild celebrator of the sacred mundane, and expert at living in her own skin with as much grace and ease as she can muster. She teaches women how to reclaim and celebrate their innate power and brilliance, guiding women home to themselves, because she believes that each and every one of us is the expert to our own experience of being a human on this plane. Do you want to hear more from this intentional, compassionate soul? I do… In this Trailblazer Interview we talk about:  – What is rest, really? – Reframing our needs of…