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    How to Shine in the Darkness

    “Truly, it is in the darkness that one finds the light, so when we are in sorrow, then this light is nearest of all to us.” -Meister Eckhart In everything I write, there is light. It colours my words like paintbox shades, I see in shadows and falling flames. Somedays I think I have forgotten how to write. I pick up a memory and the quality of the light comes to me. Today feels like October, the light is diffused through the strato cumulus clouds. It’s a blindfold for heaven, (as I read in Virgil yesterday). The light is diffused and soft, it’s still morning and there is promise in…

  • Gratitude & Grace List: Bright Edition

    As you know if you’ve been following my tweets closely (and if not, why not?) I’m currently half way through Kris Carr’s Crazy Sexy Diet Adventure Cleanse Tune Up and deep (downward dogs) into Marianne Elliot’s 90 Days of Yoga. I love it, truly, deeply, shiningly. And I am loving how I feel as we move into winter. One of the Adventure Cleanse Tune-Up’s daily prompts was to write a love list, I’m so overflowing with love I wanted to share mine with you here. When I look for things online, I look to read cheery, lovely posts of smiling things. So I thought I should put more of those…

  • Mural 5

    Trail Blazers’ Conference September: Coping with Diagnosis and Sudden Disability. 

    It is the moment which changes your life. Sometimes it feels like it is the moment which ends it. The life you knew is gone, you are post diagnosis, AD, your own new millennium. One friend was told on her birthday that her bones were crumbling, not a happy gift. This Conference is how to get diagnosed and how to deal with it when you do. Pitching up in the waiting room and saying you are “tired” or have a “funny pain” isn’t going to get you what you need, but the doctors don’t have time to do the detective work. So here we bypass the need for fluency in…

  • Summer 1

    Summer Snapshot

    I am here now. I am alive and proud of it. I am in love, and I love so hard. I am a challenge and a challenger. I am a frond waving in the clear blue sky. I am a pale white sun lover. I am inside, sitting. I am wearing a sky blue shirt from Jermyn Street. I am wearing the cuff links I bought with Linus from Debenhams in Swansea on a cloudy spring day. I am dreaming of the seaside. I am aching, hurting, sore and sweet with it. I am a woman, I am everything I ever-never-ever wanted. I am someone who uses hyperbole in her…

  • Grace HB_Times

    Healing Boxes in The Times

    Healing Boxes is so excited to be featured in The Times today! We want to offer a warm welcome to the new visitors who read about us in The Times and let you know that you can contact us with any questions and we are ready to get a lovely box of goodies posted off to you or your loved ones today! We are so proud to be featured among the UK’s disabled entrepreneurs and were interested in the conclusions drawn in the article between the opportunities for the paralympics and those for disabled people in business. Would love to hear your thoughts on this topic. We are discussing on our…