• What I wish I could tell my younger self about getting sick and surviving text over photograph of girl holding a camera on her lap. Seen from neck to knees

    What I Wish I Could Tell My Younger Self …About Getting Sick & Surviving

    “If I could give my younger self some nurturing advice, I would tell her (or him [or them])…” – Kris Carr Thinking back to my younger self, when she first got sick. If I could speak to her now and offer some nurturing advice, I would tell her… You Are Enough You are loved. You are amazing. You are going through something extraordinary and it’s impacting you, that’s tough but it doesn’t mean you are doing anything wrong. Listen to your body as much as you can, she has wisdom to share with you. Get a journal, keep writing. Write through the story. Move your body in all the ways…

  • Dear Grace Q & A: How do I succeed in school while sick?

    Dear Grace Q & A: How do I succeed in school while sick?

    Thank you for such a great question, I have been at school for several years now (advance training in psychotherapeutic counselling) while living with illness, so I hope I can answer you with some insight and experience.  Here are 3 ideas for how to succeed in school when sick:  1: Make your needs known, ask for help Many institutions can – and have to – offer reasonable adjustments or accommodations for disabled students.  Try contacting your school’s disability office to see what’s available. There may be a disability rep in your student union, or a disabled student’s group you can get in touch with. If in doubt, asking one of…

  • let's find your wild phoenix feathers

    Phoenix Fire Academy Self-Study is Open

    Dear one, I have a special invitation for you… This is a love letter.  To you who’s been diagnosed. Has struggled with long standing illness.  Whose obstacles are dictating your limits, and whose true and purest potential has been hemmed in.  This is an invitation.  To you, whose old life has been burned away by adversity. You, who has a fire smouldering at your centre. A hunger for a new way.  A new beginning.  To take your diagnoses and hardships and turn them into something else.  Something different. Something abundant.  Something better.  This is that opportunity. A turning point.  Disability doesn’t mean isolation and fear. Diagnosis doesn’t mean the end of joy, fun, ease…