• My Daily Practice: Yoga

    Daily Practice series – demystifying daily practice with experts sharing their real-life experience in wellness and self-care modalities. 10 years ago I never though I’d be where I am today. I was tired ALL THE TIME. Despite the fatigue, I couldn’t sleep through the night. During the day, my brain felt like mush. I was in University, studying two subjects that I LOVE (classics and psychology), but I couldn’t pay attention in class. In fact, I could barely make the 5 minute walk from my flat to the classroom. I hit a low when the potent sleeping pills I was taking stopped working. Like the other drugs before them, I…

  • Let’s Be Business Owners That Take Health & Wellness Seriously

    Business can be beautiful, but sometimes it’s felt like I had 2 options: to be ‘successful’ or to practice self-care. It felt like it wasn’t an option to do both. Like the company that wanted to take my work all the way (across 5 continents) but only if I disregarded my health and wellness for their schedule. I said ‘no thank you’. Because if I’m not happy, if I’m not congruent and if I’m not me, then it’s not really a success, is it? This can happen on a large scale – the boss that says you’ll get the promotion if you ‘put in the hours’ or on a smaller scale,…

  • Wellness & Freelancing: 3 Ways to Make It Work

    You want to set your own schedule. You crave earning your living doing what you love.  You need to share your talents, to be of service to the world.  You desire a life that allows space for you, your needs, your self-care, your wellness. So you are considering freelancing, but with all the conflicting, (and all too often inflated) information online you are wondering if it’s possible for you. And if so, how? You will hear a lot about people saying going freelance is the best thing they ever did. But make no mistake about it, setting up on your own can be a tough challenge. You are your own…

  • Is Your Business Disability-Friendly? Creating Accessibility for All

    When you are building a business, finding customers or clients and treating them well is usually a top priority, often being of service is why you got into business in the first place and without customers, you don’t have a business. But did you know that many businesses are excluding thousands upon thousands of potential  customers in your business every day (up to 6.9 million in the UK [1] and 56.7 million in the USA [2]), because the business isn’t accessible to people with disabilities. Not only is this excluding potential customers and perpetuating inequality and prejudice, it’s also, in many cases, potentially contravening the law. Big stuff, big consequences.

  • Self-Care Sunday: Compassion as a Healing Path

    [Self-Care Sunday Series: wellness experts worldwide are sharing their self-care expertise, practices, routines and personal stories. Today’s guest post is by self-care revolutionary Christy Tennery-Spalding] This is part two (read part 1 here), in a five-part series on meditation and how it can help us to cultivate greater feelings of love for ourselves, each other, and the planet. In this series, I’m examining the Brahma Viharas (or the Four Divine Abodes), a Buddhist concept that refers to the sublime states we cultivate through meditation: compassion (karuna), lovingkindness (metta), sympathetic joy (mudita), and equanimity (upekkha). Today, we’ll examine karuna, compassion, and how it arises from and interacts with our meditation practice. Chances…