• July Trailblazing Resources: Pinterest Power

    The best of the wellness internet. Lovingly curated trailblazing healing resources for fun and wellness fabulousness to fuel your healing fire. [Tweet “My favourite trailblazing healing resources, inspirations, proclamation & motivation this month!”] Where do you love to hang out online? If it’s Pinterest, then I have a treat for you: I’ve been sprucing up and sparkling my Pinterest account. And guess what? It’s full of wellness resources for you! Pinterest Power! Check it out:

  • Sacred Stories: Feast of Mary Magdalene & Moving into Trust

    Image Credit: Tanya e Torres Sacred Stories Series: seasonal psycho-spiritual checkpoints to share our history & remind us to pause. Today is the feast day of Mary Magdalene, traditionally, this is the time of year that people celebrated everything from redemption and devotion to the Divine Feminine. She’s been ascribed to the archetype of the sacred prostitute and named Apostle to the Apostles. Whether you are Christian, pagan, agnostic or atheist, if you live in the western world, you live in a society shaped by and saturated in these sacred stories. [Tweet “Sacred stories are all around us, in our dreams, woven into our most beloved tales.”]

  • Crisis, Cymhortha & Confetti: Unconventional Coping Strategies To Add Kindness

    Photo credit N.B. If you have arrived here, because you are feeling scattered and scared that there is so much pain right now, I hear you, I welcome you. I hope you find my site to be a safe place, I invite you to join my Trailblazers’ Facebook Cafe for further solidarity and support. I may not have solutions, but I will share all the knowledge and experience I have with you. In this space we don’t deny the negative but we focus on building awareness, resilience and compassion, for ourselves and for all.  I am acknowledging the pain, injustice and loss. I am taking steps to be a part…

  • How I Run Two International Businesses While Living With Chronic Illness

    Running your own business can be a huge challenge. Sometimes it feels like it’s a PhD in patience and confidence, just entering that arena. Running a business while living with chronic illness can seem like it requires a super-power. But many people are turning to entrepreneurship due to their health challenges. It has lots of positives; you can often work from home, set your own hours, take rests in between tasks and make a living doing what you love. However, adding the pressure of work to a life already struggling with pain and exhaustion can be a powder keg. I have been working while living with chronic illness for several years and…

  • Trailblazer Interview: KC Baker & Public Speaking Skills to Transform Your Self & World

    Previously an investment banking analyst and assistant for two US Senators, KC Baker is an international women’s thought leadership & public speaking skills trainer, speechwriter, and two-time TEDx speaker and is renowned for her unorthodox and highly effective methodologies. She believes that the key to positive transformation in our world lies in supporting women in unleashing the brilliance of their voices.