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    How to Connect to What You Are Craving.

    Prayer is such a loaded concept for so many people.  It is steeped in preconceived notions and some of our oldest or most traditional thoughts. However, I think we can explore it more deeply whether we have a healthy active prayer life or if prayer is a concept we struggle with. We can all do with shining some light on and maybe sparkling up our prayerful practice.  Let’s get back to the basics of prayer. What are your thoughts about prayer?

  • writing image

    Want to be in my club?

    I just had a consult with the marvellous Bindu Wiles, whose writing and photography I have, it’s true been in love with for some time. I got my homework and the first part is to create a writing group. And for that I need you. Yes, in a Kitchener way.  In person or online or a delicious combination I don’t know yet. But we can meet weekly/monthly through group Skype or on google+ and share our writing, giving feedback and tips with love, gentleness but most importantly with truth. Because I am a writer and I love writing. I write the way I read, prolifically, obsessively and constantly. I am…

  • Faith

    Creating Sabbath in Your Life (side effects may include fuelling the creative spirit).

    I see faith through the Sabbath. Now I did not come from a Christian background, but the Sabbath is universal and universally sacred. We all need time to rest. In this busy world we are said to be human doings more than beings. But I need to be. To be with the sunshine, the morning dew, catches with the dog and a strong heart. I reject the hungary ghost, always consuming but never full. We don’t need things as much as we need to use what we have. To enjoy what is here now and to love. Rest is essential. But when things get hard and rushed it is the…

  • badd02

    Blogging Against Disablism Day 2012

    :: People talking to Linus over my head, as though I cannot speak or understand, even though I can not only understand, but understand in 4 languages thank you very much. :: Wheelchair access bathrooms down a flight of stairs. Because, you know secretly, wheelchair users can fly! :: Bathrooms called “disabled” bathrooms – because I’m no long a man or a woman but a new gender of disabled. And let’s not get started on the fact that not everyone falls into the “man” or “woman” categories, not to mention taking children with you – at what age are boy children “men” and can’t come in the women’s lavatories with…