• Guest Post: A Contemplation of Beauty

    Remember the beauty of your body: The curve in your neck Crows feet around the eyes Stretch marks from childbirth Worn hands Your belly with its round enjoyment Beyond the untouched beauty of the newborn, our bodies show we have lived: we are alive. Remember the beauty of your heart: Sacrifices for the ones we love Compassion for strangers Empathy that our stories evoke Peace when we truly feel heard Anger that insists on better Even fear that reminds us what is important, even as it stops us in our tracks. Our hearts’ beauty brings meaning, connects us. Remember the beauty of the things we cannot know: The moments of…

  • On Usefulness: Underneath It All, We Want to Be of Worth

    What’s it worth? It’s a common question, perhaps a common-place one. We ask what a potential purchase is worth, what an object of perceived value is worth, and if we are ill then we often ask what an event is worth in terms of the time and energy we will spend there. It’s a fair question: is it good enough to justify what I am giving? Does it have a value equal to that which you gave? But when did we begin asking what humans were worth? I mean, darling just look at you… You are worth everything. EVERYTHING. (Click to Tweet!) The problem as I see it, is this:…

  • Claiming Compassion…For Yourself

    “Everyone who is born holds dual citizenship, in the kingdom of the well and in the kingdom of the sick. Although we all prefer to use only the good passport, sooner or later each of us is obliged, at least for a spell, to identify ourselves as citizens of that other place.” ~Susan Sontag Be compassionate to your healing body, and your loving soul. To do so, to accept it, is the very essence of being human. And by allowing self- compassion, you free yourself from the inevitable exhaustion of straining to escape it. Pain ebbs and flows. Struggles arise and fall. They needn’t be set upon like they are…