• Bed-bound to Business Bombshell

    I was 21, two weeks a bride and desperately, dangerously sick. Bed bound and hurting, letters became my link to the outside world. Until you are sick and imprisoned in your own home, in your own body, it is hard to understand exactly how important post/mail is. I lived for letters; that contact with the outside I could only just remember, something to focus on and hope for. We made up Healing Boxes – gifts of information, support and healing goodies for friends and family. We tried to buy healing gift boxes for friends and found none in the UK. So we just continued to make our own and more…

  • Trailblazer Interview: Claudia Olivie & Altering Your Morning Routines for Life

    How do you begin your day? And how does that change your day and your life? Claudia Olivie is a Speaker. Certified Holistic Health Practitioner + Stress Management Mentor. She believes that we’re most fulfilled when we’re showing up as the best version of ourselves every day. And Claudia has a radical message that will alter your morning routines – for life! We talk healing, auto immune illness and embracing wellness from the moment you open your eyes. Check out our interview below: And visit Claudia at: http://claudiaolivie.com/ Image courtesy of Jeffrey Deng.

  • On Usefulness: Underneath It All, We Want to Be of Worth

    What’s it worth? It’s a common question, perhaps a common-place one. We ask what a potential purchase is worth, what an object of perceived value is worth, and if we are ill then we often ask what an event is worth in terms of the time and energy we will spend there. It’s a fair question: is it good enough to justify what I am giving? Does it have a value equal to that which you gave? But when did we begin asking what humans were worth? I mean, darling just look at you… You are worth everything. EVERYTHING. (Click to Tweet!) The problem as I see it, is this:…

  • What to Wear All Day Instead of Pyjamas

    I know that as ‘an entrepreneur’ I should probably give you the impression that, although I work from home, each day I get up practice yoga, curate a comfortable yet funky outfit, and do my hair and makeup before sitting down to begin my work. But that is not at all true, not even a little bit. I’m not just an entrepreneur, I’m also living with energy constraints. And I’ve been living with chronic health challenges for 13 years. Here’s the truth: many of those years were spent in pyjamas. I’ve had satin pyjamas to prevent bedsores and french linen pyjamas to keep me cool (but they just get soaked…

  • He Liked It so He Put a Mitten on It

    If you a get an email from me this week, it will probably be short, there may very well be typos, and capital letters? Forget it, that’s way beyond me at the moment. Why? Because I have a new friend/enemy – the computer mitten. You want to know the story? Here we go…Since I first became ill, I’ve had issues with my right side. It always hurt more and it didn’t feel as strong. Both my arm and leg, it was all on the right side. But when I found a new massage therapist recently, her work astounded me. After a massage I had so much more movement and less…