• Brexit, Britain & the EU: 3 Tools to Build Emotional Resilience in Uncertain Times

    You know the bit in a novel when someone comes into the room and says, ‘The government has fallen!’ and everyone gasps, dowagers clutch their pearls and send the maid to make tea, (with a stiff whisky for the gentlemen)? That’s how it’s felt here since Friday – financial markets crashing, house prices falling, politicians resigning in droves, and fear rising, rising, rising. While I don’t believe in the catastrophizing, I have seen many people scared and hurting after the Brexit result, and I’ve felt the anxiety in several of my coaching clients and in myself. I want to address that fear here today. I may not know all the political implications…

  • Guide to Painful Periods: Claiming The Power In Your Reproductive Healing

    Listen to your womb, cervix, uterus, ovaries, belly. Do you hear them? They are places of deep power, often neglected, but with such profound lessons to teach. To contribute to your wholeness. To help you heal. So long as you are willing to connect to the parts of yourself that are hurting and listen to what they have to say. Some raw food literature suggests menstruation is the body’s way of detoxing, that if detoxed enough, menstruation will naturally cease. That amenorrhoea due to low weight is actually a sign of raw food and detox success. Our reproductive organs are powerful, dark, creative spaces. So often they are viewed negatively;…

  • Wellness in Dark Weather: Grace’s Winter Love List

    I love our earth, I love the cycles and seasons. But for a while now, I’ve been nervous about the coming winter. Last winter I had two pretty severe lung infections and since then I’ve been nervous about winter, infections, feeling like I can’t breathe and having that awful chest pain. The amount of anxiety is disproportionate to the risk of infection, but every time I thought about winter and endless drizzly grey skies I felt tension. So we decided to re-frame things, and all summer Linus has been helping me put together a Winter Love List. A list of specifically enjoyable activities for cold or wet weather. Some of…