• Relaxation Rehabilitation Part Two: The Great Big Fear

    Illness can be uncomfortable and messy. Rest can seem boring. Before I reframed my thinking, when I was resting I felt sick. I had to rest, I could not carry on with whatever activity I was doing. I came face to face with the reality of the sickness. We get scared, and we are scared of losing dignity, life, hope, purpose, independence, and respect. And yet we are overcoming that fear every day we live with illness, or that we live as a survivor of illness. We are so much more, because of overcoming all this; not less. The fact that we are still managing to keep on even with…

  • Relaxation Rehabilitation: Part One

    I don’t know about you but I need more rest. I’d write that I lack rest but really the problem is the over-fullness. What I am lacking is nothingness, space, peace. I have been holding resentment around rest, and that makes it ineffective as well as unenjoyable. Rest is not something which is spoken about much in our societies. Maybe resting isn’t as glamourous as planning out your dream life, striving towards it, overcoming odds or fighting for your goals. But rest is essential, and it is in that space that the flowers and fruits of our labours blossom. (Click to Tweet!) Attitudes to In-Action Sometimes it can feel like…