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    Beautiful things to do, because…

      * Discover new music.   * Try a different yoga practice.   * Put up fairy lights.   * Email someone who changed your life to say thank you.   * Reach out and offer your expertise.   * Back up your computer.    * Make pretzels with me this weekend.    * Turn Trail Blazer.   * Clean out your bag   * Watch Clueless again. Thanks @galadarling   * Read Where White Men Fear to Tread and buy it from here.   * Turn off the lights.   * Give blood.   * Consider what you can offer if, like me, you can’t give blood. You can…

  • Unknown

    How I Escaped My To-Do List

    I once moved to a new country on the basis that I’d found a friend who loved crossing things off to-do lists as much as I did. Ok, that’s not the whole truth, but it was a moment of revelation, the ‘it’s not just me’ experience. Connecting, community, solidarity and swelling, burgeoning joy. I really, really liked lists. My life was run by my to-do list and that was just the way I wanted it. This kept me efficient, productive and on track. I knew how to do lists, I knew how to work hard and be good at things. People joked that I was some kind of super-efficient robot…

  • Vision Board(ing) School

    Vision Board(ing) School ™ – Making manifesting (finally) work for you! Vision Boarding School is a day-long immersion experience that will help you make manifestation magic, choose your focus, divine your true soul-goals and make your year filled with marvellous miracles. Are you feeling: * That you are struggling to believe that you CAN really manifest? * Wanting to manifest but struggling to make it work consistently? Once in a blue moon isn’t enough to build your dreams into reality, lady. * That manifesting, the universe, cosmic ordering just doesn’t work for you? * Burned-out and bored with your ineffective vision boards that just do not work *stamps foot* * A…

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    Beautiful things to do, because

    * Play in the snow. Put on long johns and Hunters and dive out. What happens when you throw snowballs in the air and dodge? Can you see any icicles? Snow means curling up inside to me. How about you? * Decorate a window. Add a crystal to catch the sunlight and toss it across the room. What do you want on your windowsill? Perhaps crystals and lillies or maybe clear space and a good view. Look on etsy.com or folksy.co.uk for beautiful things to hang from your windowspace. * Plan your dreams. Use The Desire Map, or Susannah’s amazing guide. But fuel yourself with some exploration and direction. * Watch…

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    Awareness, Attitude and Action for Life.

    It’s scary, I know. And it hurts too. Illness, chronic pain, disease, struggle, sickness; it often makes for bad days. If we actually think about the statistics and that one in three people in the UK may be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime, and that’s just cancer, it’s terrifying. But here’s the thing. We can do something about it. I’m not talking about drinking your body weight in green juice or hoping really, really hard that the issue somehow passes you by. I believe we can all choose to shift the way we view the problem and take action. Let me give you an example, I got a message…