November Trailblazing Resources: Post-Election Fallout Support

picture of U.S.A flags and text over: novembertrailblazing resources: post-election fallout support

Post U.S Election – so much has changed and is still changing. So many people I care deeply about are feeling scared, threatened, divided and alone. 

Dear one, wherever you are today, I witness and hear you. I know many people are feeling betrayed, terrified and scared for the future, especially people of colour, women, people with disabilities, people of other-than-christian faiths, people of all sexualities and all spaces on the gender spectrums and many others who may be feeling especially ‘other’ and unsafe right now.

I have read that some people are feeling heard and vindicated.
Others may be feeling a mix of so many things.

I have lived through Brexit, (and continue to live with the unfolding ramifications) but I cannot pretend to know how you feel.

If what I’m sharing here works for you please keep it, use it, share it. If it’s not right for you, I accept that. I support your right to hold your own views, value you as part of the world I love, and I support you in seeking coping strategies that fit you.

This post is not ‘business as usual’ but instead, inviting a space for refuge, refuelling and self-care (especially now). If that sounds like something you need right now, please read on. If not, thank you for checking in out and I wish you well on your search to find what you need today.

I don’t want to go deny the difficulties people are living through, with Trump, Standing Rock et al, there’s big stuff going on, but I also know that my work is supporting people living with illness, trauma, grief and pain and perhaps we need this now, more than ever.

I’m not commenting on the events in the U.S because as a white non-U.S national I don’t think my voice is who we need to be listening to. But what I’d like to share with you today is the people to whom I am listening:

Responding to bigotry in everyday situations.

Also, artist Marie Shirine Yener made a comic for people witnessing anti-Muslim harassment.

Th NY Times on helping when someone is being harassed.

I have appreciated Sarah Von Bargen’s thoughts on the post-election fallout: action against Trump and what to do now.

A spreadsheet of scripts and phone numbers to contact your representatives, if you are in the U.S and talk about your concerns/fears/outrage about the white supremacist actions and other dreadful reports coming through.

The balm of Briana Saussy’s prayers at this painful time.

And giving thanks as a political act.

Trans passport fees donation project.  Related: lawyers offering pro-bono legal help to trans people before Trump’s inauguration.

So important, via Michelle, a list of women, trans, queer+ safe training spaces, for everyone who is feeling the need for extra self-defense or body work post-election

People of colour mobilisations against Trump.

Standing Rock – the official site of the main camp, a supply list and amazon wish list.

Do you have a useful resource I could add to this list? Let me know in the comments.

Thank you.