
  • Chronic Illness Self-Care Kit: Top Tools & Resources

    Today we get to talk about luggage. Not gorgeous steamer trunks and vintage hat boxes (although I love those too), but the tools you need to pack to help you through your emotional journey. Believe me, this is the good kind of baggage. When you go travelling you pack what you will need, so we are not about to venture into our Forest of Emotions ill-equipped. Why am I doing this again? We are going to gather tools which help us manage our emotions and things that we can hold onto, should we get lost in the emotional forest, or hit by a grief-storm, for example. Emotions can be processed, this isn’t…

  • Date Night Ideas For When Energy is Low

    You have a lot going on. Children. Business. Travel. Fatigue. Chronic illness. Pain. Whatever your problem du jour, it can feel like it’s taking over your whole life. Having fun, creating memories and strengthening relationships can  easily fall by the wayside, and yet, nourishing these essential aspects of life enrich it beyond measure. Date night fits the bill. Be it with your spouse, your friend, loved ones or your spectacular self, making space for good ol’ fashioned quality time together – even when your energy is low, or your health is suffering – is important, necessary. Unfortunately, it rarely makes room for itself. It’s up to you to create that…

  • Living With Disability and Starting A Business: It Can Be Done!

    I live with disability. I receive government benefits. I work and own two companies. I am not the stereotypical face of “Benefits Britain” * but I am a part of its reality. My business is my story. Those who have been following me for a while have seen the beautiful growth of the Trail Blazing Wellness movement. From struggling to live to actually being able to – and then allowed! – to work (my first business email was titled, “I’m Legal, Celebrate With Me”) and finally, managing my professional business load with a fluctuating condition. It has been a long, arduous, yet wonderful journey, one that is still new and different every single day. (Click to…

  • Dealing with the DWP (and Benefits Agencies in General)

    In light of the recent High Court judgement regarding the ‘Bedroom Tax’ and the campaigners decision to press onwards…Today we are discussing coping with benefits agencies. Tweet: We you first encounter #benefitsagencies it may feel like Alice down the rabbit hole. Tips to get you through #dwp I’ve heard stories of people literally sick with fear when the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP)* envelope comes through the door, and people too scared to open their letters. Forms can be hard and scary, but there are things that can make the whole process easier. I’ve made a list of essential strategies just for you: 1. Don’t drown in the paperwork. Get…

  • Embracing Choice To Evoke Change: Breaking Old Habits With A Simple Approach

    You know those old habits you can’t break? The patterns you go around and around in? We’re going to look at those in a new way today. Today, you jump off that merry-go-round, and into something better: Real, actionable choice. I know how frustrating it is when every shift you make seems to fail. When it’s one step forward, two steps back, when everyone around you seems to be surging ahead on their paths, and you just aren’t privy to the secret (though it “may be yours for $10,000 in 3 easy payments” according to that always-present infomercial!) The real secret? It’s YOU. It has always been. Cue self-awareness! This…