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Beautiful things to do, because…

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* Discover new music.


* Try a different yoga practice.


* Put up fairy lights.


* Email someone who changed your life to say thank you.


* Reach out and offer your expertise.


* Back up your computer. 


* Make pretzels with me this weekend. 


* Turn Trail Blazer.


* Clean out your bag


* Watch Clueless again. Thanks @galadarling


* Read Where White Men Fear to Tread and buy it from here.


* Turn off the lights.


* Give blood.


* Consider what you can offer if, like me, you can’t give blood. You can probably become an organ donor so do!


* Read a chapter of your book every day.


* Write something and share it. 


* Update your web copy.


* Invite people to come and play.


* Book theatre tickets and then leave the house to go.


* Choose spaciousness over another ‘thing’.