August Trailblazing Healing Resources: Fuel for Your Healing Fire

fire of logs in a metal barrel orange text above it, August trailblazing resources: fuel for your healing fire. Beneath the fire in white text

The best of the wellness internet. Lovingly curated trailblazing healing resources for fun and wellness fabulousness to fuel your healing fire. Relax and dive in!

My favourite trailblazing healing resources, inspirations, proclamation and motivation this month – Dive in!

Kris Carr’s free workshop videos on increasing your energy

Yoga for chronic fatigue, accessible and actually doesn’t exhaust you? Yes, it exists!

Journalling for self-care, embodied breath, and meditating with kindness – Free workshops from Christy Tending.

(If you are looking for journaling support, Rawness of Remembering is the best journaling class I have ever taken)

You know I love Leonie Dawson’s workbooks for planning your year (and your business), but did you also know she has a free training available for if you’ve fallen off the workbook wagon and are flirting with postponing your goals until the new year. Don’t postpone or put pressure on your new year.

I love listening to Pema Chodron, Dr Clarissa Pinkolo Estes or Kristin Neff while I’m in the car or kitchen. Who are your go-to authors?

I usually juice using my Vitamix and straining the juice through a nut mylk bag because it’s so quick and easy, but I’ve been going back to my Greenstar Juicer recently and the quality of the juice is sooooo much better. There’s much less pulp too, it’s really cost-effective and it’s quicker than I remembered! Bonus.

I’m indulging in a summer writing practice and let me tell you, The Big Beautiful Book Plan is my saving grace, more on that and sneak peaks coming soon. I’m writing on Scrivener, seriously, why did I ever use anything else?

If washing the juicer is a concern, let me share my tip: as soon as you’ve juiced, take the juicer apart, soak the pieces in the sink and you can come back to them when you have time/energy.

I’m hanging on Pinterest, want to play?

I founded the Wellness Trailblazers‘ Cafe because I wanted a support space built around belief in ourselves and our possibilities, not delineated by the diagnoses with which we’ve been labelled.

I craved community and connection to other women who believe it’s possible to live well with health and life challenges. Who are willing to explore that journey alongside me, as we explore our new selves and blaze our own trails.

What‘s a Wellness Traiblazer?

Trailblazer | noun | trail·blaz·er; some who when life crisis throws them off track, forges a new path & blazes their own trail.

Illness has been called “another country”, and it’s not just illness we get lost in, but pain, accident, trauma or grief.

They are our own personal wildernesses, and you are finding a way through it; you are the only one who can, but you don’t have to do it alone.

Too many support groups are based on what your diagnosis is, but what if, like me, you have multiple diagnoses?

Or if you don’t have a diagnosis?

When you don’t want to define yourself and your community by a medical label, where do you go?

The Wellness Trailblazers‘ Cafe is the space I’ve made for us. I’d love for you to join me there.

Books I’m loving: Chronic Resilience, The Women’s Belly Book: Finding Your True Centre for More Energy, Confidence and Pleasure, Thrive: The Bah! Guide to Wellness After Cancer.


I love this film, and painted my first self-portrait after watching it:

My husband Linus introduced me to Grandmaster Flash and I can’t wait to watch this series:
[Trigger Warning: Scenes of violence and drug use]

Can you believe it? I love the new trailer for Fantastic Beast and Where To Find Them:

I’m loving this song!

What are your favourite trailblazing healing resources right now? Let me know in the comments.

P.S Check out all the healing resources and my top healing apps for chronic illness, healing and caring part 1, part 2 and part 3.